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2023 Year Review

And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." Mark 16:15

After preaching to a group of young people in a fast food restaurant all seven prayed to receive Jesus, one woman wept when I asked why she was weeping she said:

"Before you came I felt so lost but now I feel found and so much peace, thank you"


This year has been a wonderful diverse mix of ministry in prisons, churches, recovery centres, conferences and then training with CFaN in USA to preaching the Gospel internationally to thousands in Africa and Asia. Thank you for your support and encouragement over the last year. I am expectant that we will see thousands of lives impacted as we continue to carry this message of Hope.

such a great opportunity to share Elim Annual Conference Bournemouth with Star Recovery ministry

First visit to HMP Downview 40 women responded Sharing at Believers in Bournemouth Hope Community Church


During the first six months of the year we were able to visit some new prisons together with those we have visited before including: HMP Downview, HMP Newhall, HMP Eastwood Park and HMP Send. It's always such a joy to see so many of the women impacted and responding to the Gospel. So far this year we have been able to donate 535 books to the prisons, taking us to a grand total 4,435 since its launch. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible so far. If you would like to sponsor a book or a prison visit in 2024 please go to the link below where you can donate.


CFaN was founded by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and is now led by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda; as far as I know it's one of the most fruitful evangelistic ministries I am aware of in the world today. I had the privilege of attending the Christ for All Nations Bootcamp led by Evangelists Daniel Kolenda and Levi Lutz in July.

During my time there we had 70 intensive days training in the classrooms, internships and weekly outreaches before heading to Uganda for 18 days to put into practice all that we learned. We preached the gospel through outreaches, open air, mini crusades and youth crusades. As a team of 120 evangelists 152,203 decisions were recorded for Jesus in Uganda and many miraculous healings to God's Glory.

Bootcamp 2023 Our Outreach Team Orlando CFaN's Daniel Kolenda

Muslims receiving Jesus Man healed of shoulder pain of two years Children praying to accept Jesus

Mission to Asia

Following on from America, a group of us from bootcamp travelled to India to preach the gospel in unreached villages. During three crusades we saw 803 salvations for Jesus and many healings. A personal favourite was of a man who was blind for 20 years who was completely healed. Then we headed to the Philippines and a team of 12 of us preached in youth crusades, prisons, on beaches and in the open air. Together we saw 91,7O2 recorded decisions for Christ.

Back, leg and shoulder healed Praying for the sick Receiving Jesus

Youth Crusades in the Philipines


This coming February I have the opportunity to minister as part of a team for a month in Aba Nigeria in preperation for the huge CFaN crusade believing for a million soul harvest. My part would include preaching the Good News about Jesus in market places, open air, youth and mini crusades. Please would you bring me before the Lord and pray for me as my ministry continues to expand and go forward. As you would appreciate to be able to participate in such a venture I would need prayer and financial provision. I appreciate everyone is in a different financial situation but if you would be able to support me prayerfully and financially I would be very grateful. The overall cost of the trip £4,500.

Prayer Points

  • Open doors in Nigeria

  • Successful visa applications

  • Provision in every way

  • Wisdom, discernment & protection in Nigeria

  • Salvation of souls

To support the MISSION you can can give to:

Miss T Makepeace


SC: 110031

ACC: 12611261

Ref : Nigeria / Kenyan Mission


Over the last year I have felt called to pursue local and International evangelistic mission Since bootcamp I have felt this call impressed more strongly, so in faith, I have stepped down from the senior leadership team at E5 Bristol and am no longer on staff to enable me to fulfill God's call. With your prayer support and financial commitment we can reach thousands together.

  • Strategic connections

  • Open doors into prisons

  • Health and Safety

  • Help with administration and transport for UK ministry

If you would like to give a one off gift or a regular donation via direct debit

Below are ways in which you can give

Stewardship for tax payers:


Miss T Makepeace


SC: 110031

ACC: 12611261

Ref: Personal Support

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Dec 31, 2023

Well done Pastor, God is doing amazing things in your life and the lives of others, using you as a vessel. Encouraging to see all the ministry work you have been involved in and the positive impact it has brought about.


Dec 30, 2023

Great work ! You go girl and keep fighting the good fight 💪🙏😉

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