Do you not say, There are yet four months, then comes the harvest'? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. John 4:35
Ndola Chipuluksa Crusade
It was truly remarkable how the Lord moved in Ndola, Zambia.

The photo above was captured during one of our crusades in Ndola, on the same night I delivered a sermon on the blood of Jesus. That evening, we burned all fetishes, charms, and idols. It was an incredibly powerful night, with thousands choosing to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. During this crusade alone, we witnessed 26,083 individuals making the decision to follow Jesus and 60,000 people heard the gospel. We saw countless miracles of healing, and many were baptized in the Holy Spirit. It was a glorious few days and we give all the glory to God!
MIRACLES a few of the highlights
"I had a chronic headache for 3 years. It was so bad I had to quit my studies and stay at home"
After hearing the sermon I preached the previous night on the blood of Jesus, faith arose and he said
"I knew God would heal me"
That night he was healed and gave his life to Jesus and came back to testify, Hallelujah!
One man was in a car accident and his leg was broken and had been damaged ever since, after the prayer he said his leg was healed and he ran back and forth in excitement to demonstrate his healing.
Man who sufffered back pain for 14 years said tonight the pain is gone and he bent over completely pain free.
One man was partially deaf in both ears and he testified and demonstrated he could hear long distance after we tested him.
One woman heard God would heal her open wound that came from child birth, she testified to being in so much pain but the wound closed and the pain left. Glory to God!!
Upon returning from Uganda , I have had the joy of ministering at several Elim Churches, which has been incredibly fulfilling. It started with a midweek outreach in Lincoln with Darren Edwards, where an astounding 80% of attendees responded to Jesus. We witnessed one woman being healed and subsequently accepting Jesus—a powerful example among several other healings experienced by both believers and non-believers.
Next, I ministered with Andy and Lauren at Elim Harrogate, where several people received Jesus. Following that, following the crusade in Zambia I joined Richard and George at Lakeside Elim, where we witnessed 10 responses to the gospel and several healings, all by God's grace.
I was also privileged to speak at the Arise Women of Justice conference at Woodlands in Bristol, where we again saw 12 individuals pray to receive Jesus as their Savior God was moving powerfully by His spirit. Then I headed to Stanwell Congragational to share my story, it was such a God ordained evening, with a number receiving Jesus.
I heard the music and stopped the car got out and came in...
This woman committed her life to Jesus for the very first time after hearing my story and the Gospel.
At the begining of June I had chance to partner with CfaN in training people on how to share and preach the gospel during a firecamp held in City Gates Illford London, we trained 60 students and took them out on the streets collectively the students witnessed 135 recorded decisons for Jesus.
We are delighted to have relationships with both HMP Eastwood Park and HMP Bronzefied.
Over three vists 90 women heard the Gospel and 66 responded and prayed to invite Jesus into their lives. With YOUR help we have managed send in 261 copies of books into prisons so far this year.
Some of the follow up in HMP Eastwood Park has prompted me to want to develop a follow up booklet which I am currently working on to print hopefully by September that we will be able to put into the hands of all those who respond to the Gospel. The aim of this book is to help them develop their relationship with Jesus in a way that they can grasp and help them to bear fruit in their lives. If you would like to be a part of this project, sponsor the booklet or the prison work, please see link below.
I have been approved to join with the CfaN Decapolis team in DRC Congo, as an intern to assist as they execute multiple crusades that are happening throughout the Congo August of this year. This is a unique opportunity to serve the Congo and help to facilitate bringing in a great harvest of souls. It will involve a lot of work behind the scenes, it will be a time of serving and preparing for the days ahead in reaching the masses in Africa, the United Kingdom and the Nations of the world.
The Congo is a challenging country and has been through so much and it is a complex country I am asking that you stand with me in prayer. I am praying for those who would be willing to partner with me in prayer and finance for the 7 weeks I will be there. I am due to fly out on the 28th June. Practically I am in need of support for food and accommodation to sustain me whilst I am there. Would you please consider partnering with me and sending me?
If you would like to sow into this harvest and support me during this trip in prayer or financially, please contact me.
If you are able and wish to donate you can sow via
Trudy Makepeace missions
SC 110031
ACC 12611261
URGENT For my visa to come through in time to catch my flight
For protection for the team and myself
Favour with the officials and any local leaders
For the unity of the churches and all leaders
Provision for the team, health, wisdom and discernment
Salvation of souls
That this region to be transformed through the preaching of the Gospel
A legacy will remain
Thankyou for incredible love and support and partnership in the gospel.
I thank my God in all remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy for your fellowship in the gospel from the the first day until now. Philippians 1:3-5
With Love Trudy
If you would like to keep updated you are invited to join a whats app group in which more regular updates are posted out as I go.