Abused. Addicted. Free
For the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor, he has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the
captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
to proclaim the year of the Lords Favour... Isa 61-12

2022 Highlights in Review
With so many powerful moments of people encountering Jesus and freedom this year its hard to capture them all but as I visited my final prison of 2022 this was a stand out moment of genuine repentance that captured my heart and reminded me of why I do what I do.
A convicted criminal genuinely wept in repentance after hearing my story and the Good
News of Jesus
"My life will never be the same again after hearing that..."
Key Highlights
Seeing so many people come to faith and receive freedom
Nominated to be in the top 100 most influential women in Bristol
Being Interviewed with J John about the book see link below
Releasing a new resource called Ministering to Addicts
Having my story published in the Hope magazine
Visiting some great churches, inc: CLC, Mount of Olives, Kingdom Life, LGCC, KT, Elim Bible College , Yeovil Elim, Yate Elim, City Gates, Freedom Church, All Saints and many more
The Launch of Free to be
Events: Fixed, Roar women's meeting Coventry Elim, Break Free Pioneer event, Pioneer Conference and Tremble Conference for addicts, St Richards Alpha Brighton
Speaking on premier and UCB
Tour of Scottish Prisons
Open doors into Prisons
Outreach Project Update
2022 has been the year of the Lords favour for the book, over 2,300 have now gone into prisons with the help of sales and some generous donations throughout the year for which we are truly grateful.
This year prison doors have opened in HMP Bristol, HMP Eastwood Park, HMP Bronzefield, HMP Send, HMPBairlinne, HMP Shotts, HMP Glenochill, HMP Low moss. The response has been powerful in all of the prisons there has been a great response to receiving the Gospel and Jesus. These are days of great opportunity.
I have also been able to speak at some outreach events of which I hope to do much more of in the coming year, one highlight was a pioneer conference in Preston where 8 people responded to Jesus. Many got set free, another highlight was in Brighton where non christians received Jesus and went on to do the alpha course but the most prominent was the free to be event we launched in Coventry, so many women responded to the Gospel and non christians and Christians receiving freedom. To find out more about our Free to Be events or to have Trudy come to share her story please get in touch via the website.
With over 80,000 prisoners in the UK we are seeking to get a copy free to every prisoner. We have only been able to do this due to the exceptional generosity of Gods people. Please pray that we will be able to continue to get financial aid to enable us to get the book into the hands of prisoners but also that we would be able to raise finance to continue to outreach and pioneer events where there is little or no funding so that we can being this incredible life transforming message of hope.
Some Up and Coming Dates
21st Jan Malachi Ministries
8th February HMP Bronzefield tbc
February 25th and 26th Cornwall Elim Saturday and Sunday
12th March RBCC Training and equipping the church to minister to those in Addiction and speaking in the church
27th March Elim Bible College How to minster to those in Addiction
Finally can I say thank you for all of your support in person, prayer and financially I am excited for the new season ahead and know that by the Grace of God He will continue to open doors to help share the powerful life transforming message of the Gospel.
Prayer Points
Please pray for protection over those who receive this good news and protection over myself and the work.
Please pray for the right doors to open to share the good news
Please pray for receptive hearts and for lives to be transformed by the power of the Gospel
Please pray for Gods on going provision in all areas for the work of the Lord
Thank you all, and I pray that will continue to richly bless you, make his face to shine upon you and give you peace
Much Love